Ruined is a dystopian-style anthology, so anything pre/post apocalyptic can be used as a theme. Michele and I have come up with a cool story. We've actually combined two series into one. If you've read Radio Sass, you'll have met the heroine of this story - Nova.
Well, now you'll see how she ended up with six demons and the big man himself, Lucifer, in our 3 part mini-series.
Please note: This will not affect anything in our TSU ~ After Dark series or our original TSU series. Also, we are using Revelations as our catalyst for what happens. The bad guy who starts all this, is a guy who is out to prove the world is wrong. This excerpt is also unedited
So, sit back and enjoy this wild ride. Here is a sneak peek at what's to come with Martyrs...
and do I see four angels and death was in the lead...
The teachers have it all wrong. I
have it figured out. The Bible doesn’t exist, or it does, but not in the
context it was meant for. For years, man has slung their bullshit rhetoric,
casting stone, committing sin and destroying the one place we call home. All
for the greater purpose and for some entity in the sky that swears if we do
good and live virtuous lives, we will be led to our salvation and rise to the
heaves upon our death and live in peace and harmony for all eternity.
Mind control.
The whole idea a simple book with
simple words could coral us like cattle, and strip us of the very foundation of
what it relies heavily upon—free will, boggles my mind. And, instead of society
opening their eyes and seeing what lay before them, they blindly follow.
Parishioners are like chattel to priests
and preachers alike. Their followers nod and praise God, while the men—flesh and
blood, not deity, slap their bibles and use their messages of hellfire and
brimstone to leave the masses scared and tainted. They turn a blind eye to the
wickedness that befalls the leaders of their churches. They faithfully give
their tithes then starve when they can’t make ends meet.
Who needs a fifty-million-dollar
jet? Obviously, those Evangelical preachers do. What, with their mega-million
mansions and ten sports cars, praising God for giving them a good life. Leading
their flock into believing the money they send in or hand over while sitting in
those ridiculously large, verbose amphitheaters actually goes towards their
It makes me sick.
What God, in his/hers/its right
mind, would allow for children to suffer unimaginable pain? Would allow
children to die day in and day out in school shootings? What God would allow
mass genocide? Floods? Earthquakes? What God would allow diseases like Cancer
and AIDS to run rampant, and allow it to rip families apart?
There isn’t.
Because God doesn’t exist, and I
plan to prove it using the stupidity of man against himself.
How, you might ask?
By bringing about the end of the
world as we know it. Not really though. I will be proving the Bible is a fake.
I will break the so-called seals one at a time and sit back and wait. Then,
when I am done and nothing has happened, I will show the world what I have done
and laugh in the face of humanity.
The world is in need of a wakeup
call and I plan to give it one, no one will ever forget. When I am done,
humanity will enter an enlightened phase. One where science and technology rule
the land. One where we put pretenses behind us and learn to live in a natural
cohabitation where people are equal and not better than one another. I will
strip those who use the power of suggestion and control of their wealth and
distribute it back into world to help with real problems like poverty, famine,
and warfare.
But, none of this will happen, if I
don’t begin now. While I can. While no one knows my plan. Before the year is
over, mankind will fall to its collective knees and wake up from the spell they’ve
been under for thousands of years and they will thank me.
Now, is the time. Now, is when the
chains of religion shatter and a new world order reigns supreme. Already
anticipation crawls through my veins. I cannot wait to begin. I cannot wait for
what is in-store for this world. It is a rebirth. It
Those seven seals are in Colorado
at the moment, being prepped for a tour. Ain’t it grand? Some Turkish researcher
has found the scrolls sealed by the Apostle John, written through the guidance
of God, foretelling the end of times as we know them. My palms itch to touch
the lies laid forth on scraps of paper. My ears twitch with the yearning to
hear the wax snap and listen to the drip of lamb’s blood as it coats the
I’ve got a hard-on just thinking
about it.
I cannot wait to see the looks on
their faces when their facade crumbles around them and the world wakes from its
mind-controlled slumber.